El Chato

We provide transportation from Puerto Ayora to the El Chato Reserve, which is located 22 kms from Puerto Ayora. It is an open area that does not require a guide. You can observe land birds, finches, little vermilion flycatchers, cattle herons and the emblematic giant tortoises in the wild. You can also visit the "Tunnels of Love" found in Bellavista.

icono bus

Round trip bus

Our staff will provide you a bus that will take you from Puerto Ayora to the El Chato reserve.

The trip lasts approximately 30 minutes.
Early Departure: 08:30 am
Return: 10:00 am
Late Departure: 14:00 pm
Return: 15:30 pm

icono bus y bicicleta

Bus and Bicycle

Our staff will arrange your travel by bus with your bike from Puerto Ayora to the El Chato reserve.

The trip lasts approximately 30 minutes.
Departure: 09:00 am
Includes: Bicycle
On your return from El Chato you can visit the town of Santa Rosa, Bellavista, and the Tunnels of Love.


Route to El Chato

Download the Maps.me app with independent and detailed offline maps and routes.

mapa ruta en bicicleta a la reserva el chato en galápagos


Admire giant tortoises in the wild.

personas observando una tortuga gigante en el chato galapagos
tortuga gigante el chato galápagos
tortuga gigante el chato galápagos
tortuga gigante y pato el chato galápagos
tortuga gigante el chato galápagos
tortuga gigante el chato galápagos

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